вторник, 21 января 2025 г.

 Happy Day of the Unification of Ukraine, day of the unity of the Ukrainian lands. Wish you prosperity, joy and peace.

January 22, the holiday symoblizes the unity of the Ukrainian lands. The sovereign state of Ukraine was established on the basis of the agreement of 1919, which went down in history as the Act of "Zluka" — the act of unification of the Ukrainian lands, which was made public in Kiev`s St. Sophia Square.



 My native land, my dear Ukraine

How many sounds for my soul

That’s make me feel an honor, glory

For native people, native land.



Your star will never falling down

And you will growing all the time:

From ancient time and till for now

Your people proud of you at one


My native land – you for my children

They’ll grow here and makes strong

Your sovereignty  and independence

We  always will defend most of all.


Glorious spirit of Ukraine shines and lives forever.


Blessed by Fortune brotherhood will stand up together.


Like the dew before the sun enemies will fade,


We will further rule and prosper in our promised land.


We will lay our soul and body for the cherished freedom.


Cossack blood will raise the nation of the joyous people.


вторник, 13 февраля 2024 г.

                Valentines are lucky

   Valentines are nice

    Winter holiday brings

    Love in our hearts.

                                                                                                                     Roses are red,

                                     Violets are blue,

                                   Sugar is sweet

                                       And so are you.


 What happy day today!

                                                            Boys  and girls are very gay!

                                                             They  dance and play.

                                                            What a happy,happy day!


                                                                           Roses are red,

                                                                           Violets are pleasant,

                                                                            You’re getting this card,

                                                                            Instead of a present

St. Valentines Day

         February the 14th

         It’s Valentine they say

         I choose you from among the rest,

         The reason was – I love you best,

         Let me call you sweetheart

         I am in love with you,

         Let me hear you whisper

         That you love me too.

         I am like a cabbage,

         Divided into two.

         My leaves I give to others,

         But the heart I give to you.

Your Name (Jessica Blade)

I wrote your name in the sky,

but the wind blew it away.

I wrote your name in the sand,

but the waves washed it away.

I wrote your name in my heart,

and forever it will stay



words 3,6



reading 2


speaking cards
