Готуємося до ЗНО


Letter of Welcome to a foreign friend
Dear Norton,

I am so delighted to receive your letter and writing back to say that I am fascinated to have you in my city in a few days. I cannot wait to receive you at the airport!

I guess this is your first-time visit to Italy and I am sure you will enjoy your stay and take back some excellent memories. Once you finish your official tasks in Rome, you can spend a day or two there to enjoy the capital city, especially the Colosseum, Castel Sant'Angelo, St. Peter's Basilica, Trevi Fountain and the Pantheon. You can stay at the Hotel Palladium Palace if your accommodation is not already settled by your office.

Then fly directly to Lucca, the city I am residing in. Give me a call before you reach the airport and I will be there. I would like you to stay at my place as long as you wish. If you insist on staying at a hotel, you can try Villa Corte Degli Dei or Hotel Napoleon. We will enjoy local food, watch a movie and do boating. We can enjoy scenic beauty every evening.

I would recommend you to bring some warm clothes as the winter is setting in. Do not forget to bring your camera to capture the beauty of the rivers and traditional street views. Also, bring any medicines you take.

Looking forward to having you in my city soon.

Warm wishes,






Writing блог учителя


Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to complain about the product called LG Led TV which was made in one of your factories on the continent. I bought it last week in a shop in Dnepr in Ukraine. The TV is advertised as easy to use, most advanced and convenient device of this kind in our country, but, unfortunately, I cannot agree.
The problems with the TV began after two days I brought it home and started use. It had the black bars on the screen. As I soon found out, they couldn’t be removed at all. What is more, the sound of the TV is distorted and very low. With the bars and bad sound it does not work very well. Another and perhaps more alarming problem is that the distant control broke down the moment I switched it on. It was very difficult to repair it. Now it does not work and I have to turn on and off manually. It also chooses wrong programmes. As a result, it cannot be used for watching TV.
In this situation, I must express my extreme disappointment with your product. I am going to return it as soon as possible. I also hope I may expect a compensation in the form of a new TV.
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Yours faithfully,




Напівофіційний лист

Listening to the radio programme you heard different people discussing the topic of friendship between teens. You have decided to write a letter to the editor of the programme. In your letter

  • describe what kind of friend you prefer and why
  • say what can cause a friendship to go wrong
  • argue whether it is better to have a wide circle of friends or a few close friends

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not use your real name or any other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I have just listened to your programme about friends and friendships. I’m writing to express support for this serious issue.

I strongly agree with you that friendship is defined in a million ways. Friendship is a relationship that has many dimensions and styles. Friendship has no boundaries and no limits. True friendship is built on trust and mutual support. Your real friend is always there to help you and expects the same from you. He does not judge you for what you do, but instead understands and supports you. I do believe that a true friend is a person who loves you unconditionally and will not try to change you. What is more, you never know when you will meet a friend.

It is no secret that friendships are based on trust, and if that’s betrayed, the whole relationship breaks down. Cheating, revealing your secrets and backstabbing lead to breaking up. Thus, we should admit our failures, practice forbearance and be willing to learn something new. And we’ll avoid breaking up friendships over petty differences.

To be honest, I don’t need a wide circle of friends. I prefer one or two close friends, even though I know many people and have a large number of acquaintances. And I am sure that having a small group of friends gives you a better chance to cultivate deep and meaningful relationships.

To sum up, I have to state that I am in total agreement with those who considered friendship to be a vital part of our life.

Yours faithfully,
Margaret Brown

Коментар. У цій роботі автор опрацьовує всі три умови повністю. Він описує справжнього друга і пояснює, чому вважає названі риси характеру й поведінку проявом справжньої дружби. Автор розповідає про причини, які можуть зруйнувати справжню дружбу, а також зазначає, що мати декількох близьких друзів для нього краще, ніж мати широке коло друзів, і пояснює свою думку.

Це власне висловлення побудовано логічно й послідовно. Автор використовує з’єднувальні елементи, які забезпечують зв’язок між частинами тексту на рівні змістових абзаців, а також окремих речень у абзацах. У тексті наявні сполучники сурядності та підрядності, слова-зв’язки, вставні слова (to be honest, to sum up, what is more тощо), які вжиті доречно.

Стиль висловлення, формат тексту повністю відповідають меті написання напівофіційного листа. Текст структурований за змістовими абзацами.

У висловленні автор продемонстрував достатній словниковий запас для висвітлення заданої комунікативної ситуації за темами «Дружба, любов», «Стосунки з однолітками, у колективі» і «Особистісні пріоритети». Лексичних помилок немає.

У роботі використано різні типи речень, ужито різні граматичні структури (дієслівні часи – Present Simple, Continuous, Perfect тощо). У роботі немає помилок.

Letter of Welcome to a foreign friend
Dear Norton,

I am so delighted to receive your letter and writing back to say that I am fascinated to have you in my city in a few days. I cannot wait to receive you at the airport!

I guess this is your first-time visit to Italy and I am sure you will enjoy your stay and take back some excellent memories. Once you finish your official tasks in Rome, you can spend a day or two there to enjoy the capital city, especially the Colosseum, Castel Sant'Angelo, St. Peter's Basilica, Trevi Fountain and the Pantheon. You can stay at the Hotel Palladium Palace if your accommodation is not already settled by your office.

Then fly directly to Lucca, the city I am residing in. Give me a call before you reach the airport and I will be there. I would like you to stay at my place as long as you wish. If you insist on staying at a hotel, you can try Villa Corte Degli Dei or Hotel Napoleon. We will enjoy local food, watch a movie and do boating. We can enjoy scenic beauty every evening.

I would recommend you to bring some warm clothes as the winter is setting in. Do not forget to bring your camera to capture the beauty of the rivers and traditional street views. Also, bring any medicines you take.

Looking forward to having you in my city soon.

Warm wishes,


2149 reading
 Last week it was my sister’s turn to go to the grocery store. For three days we had nothing to eat but frozen vegetables. Yucky. Who and how often buys food in your family? What kind of food do you usually have at home? What do you think about your local grocery food stores?
You have called your friend and found out that he/she caught a cold. Write an e-mail letter to your friend according to the plan below: • greeting; some words about the purpose of your writing. • express your sympathy and ask your friend when he/she caught a cold. • ask whether the doctor has examined him/her; what medicines he/she is taking. • give him/her advice what to do until he/she is well; closing remarks; your signature. Write a letter of at least 100 words.

B1 Listening Environment

Writing блог учителя

ЗНО-ОНЛАЙН аудіювання

Listening to the radio programme you heard different people discussing the topic of friendship between teens. You have decided to write a letter to the editor of the programme. In your letter

  • describe what kind of friend you prefer and why
  • say what can cause a friendship to go wrong
  • argue whether it is better to have a wide circle of friends or a few close friends

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not use your real name or any other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I have just listened to your programme about friends and friendships. I’m writing to express support for this serious issue.

I strongly agree with you that friendship is defined in a million ways. Friendship is a relationship that has many dimensions and styles. Friendship has no boundaries and no limits. True friendship is built on trust and mutual support. Your real friend is always there to help you and expects the same from you. He does not judge you for what you do, but instead understands and supports you. I do believe that a true friend is a person who loves you unconditionally and will not try to change you. What is more, you never know when you will meet a friend.

It is no secret that friendships are based on trust, and if that’s betrayed, the whole relationship breaks down. Cheating, revealing your secrets and backstabbing lead to breaking up. Thus, we should admit our failures, practice forbearance and be willing to learn something new. And we’ll avoid breaking up friendships over petty differences.

To be honest, I don’t need a wide circle of friends. I prefer one or two close friends, even though I know many people and have a large number of acquaintances. And I am sure that having a small group of friends gives you a better chance to cultivate deep and meaningful relationships.

To sum up, I have to state that I am in total agreement with those who considered friendship to be a vital part of our life.

Yours faithfully,
Margaret Brown

You've got a letter from your British pen-friend. He/she writes you that he/she likes to dress well. He/she tries to buy his/her clothes at famous fashion designers' shops. But it is very expensive and his/her parents don't want to buy such clothes for him/her. Write a letter to your friend in which you:  • express your opinion about present-day fashions 
 • write what clothes you usually prefer to wear  
• say where you usually buy clothes and who helps you to do the shopping
 • give advice to your friend what he/she should do in his/her situation.  
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write any dates and addresses. 


Pre-Intermediate or Intermediate?
Exams in English – Exercise 1
Exams in English – Exercise 2
Intermediate English Test
A trip to London
B1 Listening: Sports
B1 Listening: Holidays
Writing a personal letter. Part III
Environmental issues
Why I Did Maths listening
Activities and interests
B1 Listening: Free time activities
Defining and non-defining relative clauses
Test your English - For Schools - Page 1
Infinitive (Інфінітив). Ing-forms (герундій, дієприкметник і дієприслівник)
nfinitive Too & Enough - Gerund Test A1 - A2 Grammar Exercises
8.  You are writing your final test in English. You are going to continue mastering a foreign language in future. Write an e-mail letter to the Students’ Web Council according to the plan below:
• greeting; the purpose of your writing.
 • whether you are for or against school leaving exams.
 • what the advantages of the testing system are.
• whether the testing is a good way to evaluate students’ knowledge; closing remarks.
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write any dates and addresses.

Why I Did Maths listening
Множина іменників в англійській мові (Plural Nouns)
Утворення форм наказового способу. There is/are. Have/have got Subject verb agreement (узгодження підмета з присудком)
Pronouns – Possessives – Demonstratives – Quantifiers Test B1 Grammar Exercises
Prepositions – Linking Words Test B1 Grammar Exercises
Лист на ЗНО з іноземної – як отримати вищий бал поради
Фразовые глаголы: таблица с переводом и примерами.
What I like to Eat listening
6.  You've got a letter from your British pen-friend. He/she writes you that he/she likes to dress well. He/she tries to buy his/her clothes at famous fashion designers' shops. But it is very expensive and his/her parents don't want to buy such clothes for him/her. Write a letter to your friend in which you:  • express your opinion about present-day fashions 
 • write what clothes you usually prefer to wear  
• say where you usually buy clothes and who helps you to do the shopping
 • give advice to your friend what he/she should do in his/her situation.  
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write any dates and addresses. 
Your health
Food and meals
Adverb (Прислівник). Numeral (Числівник)
Verb. Tense aspect forms (active voice) (Дієслово. Видо-часові форми (активний стан))
English Level Test Intermediate B1
The Charity Show listening
You've Changed! listening
You’ve just returned from your first lesson of English courses in London. You’ve decided to write a letter to your friend about this lesson and about the teacher.  
• write information about the topic of the first lesson;
 •describe your first impression concerning the group and the groupmates; 
•describe your English teacher and the types of activities at the lesson. 
Write at least 100 words. Do not write any dates and addresses.  

Зошит ЗНО 2020
Аудіювання 2020
Houses and homes
Pronoun (Займенник)
Adjective (Прикметник)
Meeting an old friend listening
A couch potato listening

3.  Your physical education teacher asked you to write an essay discussing pros and cons of team sports. Write:
• whether you and your friends play sports; what sports you play;
• whether you like playing in a team or you prefer exercising on your own;
 • what the advantages and disadvantages of playing sports in a team are;
• give advice on how to develop skills working in a team.
Write an essay of at least 100 words.
Team sports are real fun, because they engage many people and elaborate strong emotions. The spirit of competition is exciting and challenging. Team sports teach how to work in team to reach the common goal. Every member tries to make his/her biggest contribution to the final result. However, if the team loses, all its members feel very upset, angry and even depressed. Individual mistakes can lead to the common failure.
I am fond of basketball and I am a member of our school basketball team. I prefer team sports, because I feel myself great as a team leader. I love taking responsibility and do my best to bring my team to the victory. I would recommend all teams members to follow the instructions given by their coach or leader, who elaborates the strategy for the win. Every team member must also work hard to increase their individual professionalism to become stronger on their position in the team. 
Your physical education teacher asked you to write an essay discussing pros and cons of team sports.
• whether you and your friends play sports; what sports you play;
• whether you like playing in a team or you prefer exercising on your own;
• what the advantages and disadvantages of playing sports in a team are;
• give advice on how to develop skills working in a team. (200-300 words)
Nowadays going in for team sports becomes more and more popular. Some people claim that such activity gives us a lot of opportunities, some of them say that command kinds of sport have a lot of disadvantages. In this essay I will try to find out what are the real advantages and disadvantages of playing in a team.
Well, as for me I do sports with my friends very often. We usually play tennis and football which are good to keep fit. Playing in a team is very exciting so I certainly enjoy it. What about pros and cons of going in for command sports I can say that advantages prevail.
First of all, I need to notice that such kinds of sport give us an opportunity to train our team spirit, teach to fight for success, win and loose. On the other hand, team sports can't exist without competitions and this is the thing that can ruin your relationship with friends making people become inhuman machines looking for any way to prevail even if it's not fair. So the main thing everyone should remember while working with others is that you are a part of a team. Don't forget to take care about your teammates, develop your team spirit and don't become egoistic. Communicate with every member of your team to improve the connection between you and others which is very important during the game.
To sum up, I want to say that despite the fact that there are a lot of debates about the pros and the cons of the team sports and its positive and negative influence on people, I am convinced that there are more advantages than disadvantages of going in for such kinds of sport, so everybody should try it.
Noun (Іменник)
Множина та однина іменників правило
Множина в англійській мові: труднощі вживання правило
Article (Артикль)
Bookworms listening
2.  Imagine that a friend of yours sent you a letter asking for your advice as he/she and his/her parents disagree about what university he/she should study at. Write a letter giving your friend some advice according to the plan:
• greeting; mention receiving your friend’s letter; express sympathy.
 • give your advice and the reasons for it.
 • closing remarks: end the letter offering some encouragement/wishing the person good luck; express certainty that things will get better soon.
Write a letter of at least 100 words.
Зразки письмових завдань !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grammar / Vocabulary Mix 1
Exercise on Accomodations
Reading Trends
ГИА демо 2012 чтение 1 Matching exercise
Чтение. Диагностический тест 11 класс (демо, Москва 2012г)

topic: At the airport 2 (At the check-in desk) test
Listening A1: Business cards – 1
A poster at work reading test
Movies  listening
Environment word search words
Music fill in
Task 2
Фрагмент диагностического теста для 11 класса (Москва, 2012г.)

PET Reading, part 1 - Signs, test 2
Cambridge First Reading & Use of English part 1
Cambridge English First (FCE) Reading & Use of English part 3
Preliminary English Test (PET) Writing Part 2   homework!!!inary English Test (PET) Writing Part 2
 PET Reading, part 1 - Signs
IELTS General Reading, part 1
Cambridge Preliminary (PET) Listening test 2, part 2
Cambridge Preliminary (PET) Listening test 2, part 4
Частина «ПИСЬМО» Writing 
You have received a letter from your pen-friend in which he/she writes that he/she has been playing basketball for years. Now he/she has decided to start judo. Write him/ her a letter in which you explain
• whether you support his/her decision to take up one more kind of sport and why
• what kinds of sport are popular with your friends
 • whether you do any sports or watch sports competitions on TV

PET Listening test 2, part 1
Англійська мова: власне висловлення
PET Listening, part 4
PET Writing part 3  Д/З

ZNO listening
Все об открытом задании на ЗНО по английскому языку
10 фішок як написати ідеальний твір для ЗНО з англійської мови
Шаблони для написання завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю з англійської мови.
Приклади написання листів на ЗНО з англійської мови


3. You’ve got a letter from your English pen-friend in which he/she wrote you about his/her future plans. He/she wants to become an actor. And your friend is sure that this profession will give him/her the opportunity to become famous and make a lot of money. Write a letter to your pen-friend in which say
  • about your thoughts regarding his/her career plans
  • what you are going to do after leaving school
  • how you prepare yourself for your future profession
  • what you think is necessary to be successful in your future job
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.

Dear Emily,
I am sorry I haven’t written for such a long time but I was very busy with my exams. How are you? I like your choice to be an actress. And I know that you are very talented and you’ll become a famous actress.
As for my plans I always wanted to be a singer. You know that I love singing. But unfortunately I often have a sore throat, and the doctor said that it was impossible. So I decided to be a teacher of English. I study English and German and this is what I like as much as singing.
To be ready for my future profession, firstly, I listen to English songs and watch English movies. Secondly, I learn words when I’m walking along the street or even cycling. But the most important thing is language practice. I try to speak to native speakers if I have such an opportunity wherever I am.
If I want to be a successful teacher I have to be communicative. Moreover I must love children and love to work with them and, of course, I have to understand children’s behavior.
Hope to hear from you soon. Drop me a line, please. And give my regards to your family.
Best wishes,

Програма ЗНО тут
Критерії оцінювання письмової роботи

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